Software Packages
We address this offer to the IT departments of our customers (Project Manager, IT Systems Director).
We intervene on a time and material basis, on a fixed-price basis, or as a service center. Our teams are certified in different Agile methodologies (TDD, BDD, SCRUM, …).
- Summit
- Murex
- Sophis (Risk and Value)
- Calypso
- Loan IQ
- Kondor+
- Pricing
- Position
- Hedging
Life cycle
- Workflows
- Cash Management
- Confirmations
- Payment / Delivery
- Account maintenance
- Accounting
- Walking risk
- Risk de Credit
- Limit Management
- Collateral
- Solution Selection
- Murex
- Drafting of the Specifications
- Software implementation (MOA and IT)
- Migration
- Decommissioning
- Upgrade
- Support
Some achievements...
Here are some case studies of projects Algofi has led to meet specific customer needs
Choice of an IT solution dedicated to market activities and foreign exchange reserve management
As part of the overhaul of its information systems, ALGOFI assisted a major Central Bank in the realization of a contract for the acquisition of an IT solution dedicated to market activities and asset management.
Preparation of specifications for the acquisition of an appropriate IT solution for the management of market operations and foreign exchange reserves of the BC (Central Bank).
The specifications have been prepared in the light of the results of the diagnosis of the current procedures and the tasks carried out by the various stakeholders in market activities and reserve management and taking into account the evolving aspect of this business.
The solution to be acquired was to be a highly configurable Straight Through Processing (STP) solution that covers the various functions related to market activities and the management of foreign currency reserves (Front Office and Treasury, Middle Office, Back Office, accounting, Swift messaging, integration with the BCT information system, etc.) to manage all types of instruments traded on the various financial markets, especially:
- Bonds
- Monetary instruments
- Foreign exchange transactions
- Products on precious metals
- Derivatives
- Actions
- Securitized products
- Structured products
The solution will also enable the creation of interfaces with external electronic trading platforms as well as data providers, such as Bloomberg, Reuters, rating agencies, as well as with other BC systems, including the accounting information system.
The solution will also enable the creation of interfaces with external electronic trading platforms as well as data providers, such as Bloomberg, Reuters, rating agencies, as well as with other BC systems, including the accounting information system.
Algofi was entrusted with assisting and advising the examination committee in the evaluation and selection of the solution subject to the above-mentioned specifications and presenting an evaluation report of the various tenders received.
Algofi assisted the BoC in reviewing and validating the contractual documentation to be signed with the supplier of the selected IT solution.
Migration of FX SWAP activity from MUREX to SUMMIT
As part of the reorganization of the Front Office of a major investment bank and in particular the FOREX activity, ALGOFI led the entire migration of the Foreign Exchange Swap activity (World Wide – G12/US/Asia/Emerging) from Murex to Summit, particularly in the missions of Project Management, Project Management and Development.
- Position management
- Cash and cash management
- Resumption of deals alive since 01/01/XX (Book Transfert)
- Management of the end-of-year transition (notion of managed position and unmanaged position).
- Recovery and feeding of market data (Real time)
- Method gap analysis (swap point vs basis swap curve)
- Analysis of the impacts of P&L / hedges in date of recovery
- Connection of electronic platforms in Summit (Reuters Dealing, Barx, RET…)
- Adaptation of the pricer on the RET platform for Emerging currencies
- Implementation of a back-to-back: creation of the Trade in Murex between the Murex Sale book against internal counterparty Summit OTC on a pair of eligible currencies and Creation of the Trade in Summit by the “Gateway” -mapping of the books
- BO Systems Power Management
- Impact process BO (Regulation/Accounting)
- Supply and feeding of P&L/Hedges files to the Result Cell
- Risk Impact (Sensi, hedge by risk axis, real-time countervaluation, management of margin calls, …)
Evolution of the SUMMIT FONT MIDDLE architecture
The Summit architecture of a large investment bank is split between several Front, Middle and Back bases, which leads to the multiplication of settings (market data, static data), the impossibility of having a global vision of portfolios in some cases and multiple inter-base gateways (operations and static data).
Without technical adjustments, it will be increasingly difficult to cope with new demands. It is in this context that ALGOFI is asked to optimize the Summit architecture through the implementation of a single Front-Middle Office database (OTC/MM/FX/Bonds) integrated with the OTC Back Office database.
- Identification of Front and Risk user needs
- Presentation of the scenarios to the Management Committee
- Organizational Impact Analysis
- Analysis of HR impacts and reductions (merger of MOA and MOE teams)
- Analysis and Fusion of market settings / data from different databases
- Summit tree standardization (Ones-off Software, Overload Adding, Mirroring)
- Summit tree standardization (Ones-off Software, Overload Adding, Mirroring)
- Implementation of annual archiving to reduce volumes
- Implementation of a duplicate database to improve batch processing (Y-processing)
- Resumption of deals in the single database
- Global non-regression test
- Gap analysis of P&L, Hedges, …
- Organization of Doubles Walk
CALYPSO V14 FRONT TO BACK Implementation
A public body has launched a project to set up a common platform for processing market transactions on Front Office, Risk, Back Office and accounting activities and on multiple financial instruments (Foreign Exchange, Rates, Gold, Standard Derivatives, etc.). Calypso Technology Inc.’s Calypso software package was selected as the platform solution.
This project is conducted on the business aspects by an ALGOFI team with both “Business” skills on market operations, “Method” on implementation project and associated deliverables and “System” on the use and configuration of the Calypso software package in its V14 version.
- Finalization of the update of user specifications, any missing business processes, “Business Stories” market operations on Front Office activities and on instruments
- Drafting of detailed functional specifications in accordance with front-office processing procedures, user needs and market best practices
- Configuration and configuration directly in the CALYPSO V 14 software package of the “Business Stories” defined on the project in accordance with the expected results on the test cases and the best practices of the market
- Definition and testing of “Front” interfaces to be implemented with upstream and downstream systems
- Organization, definition and participation in the various functional tests (unit and end-to-end) of validation of Calypso V14 settings and configuration
- Organization of workshops with the various actors concerned (users, project management, editor, project management, …)
- Coordination of the various project actors on the sites or on the iterations defined on the project (optimization of the sharing of tasks between actors, monitoring and compliance with schedules, management of drifts, adapted reporting)
- Formalization of the necessary supports: the proper production of the new platform as a whole and the proper implementation of changes related to any evolution of business activities (business processes, impact analysis, user training support, operational procedure, etc.)
- Attendance at project and functional team meetings and various workshops
- Studies and Analysis of impact, opportunity, feasibility
- Money market and bond securities in euro and foreign currency
- Loan/Borrowing Operations, Repo/Reverse Repo
- Foreign exchange transactions (spot, future, swaps, options)
- Rate futures contracts and swaps, IRS, etc.
- Collateral Management, Sec-Lending, Delegated Management / Asset Management
Front Office
- Entry of operations, enrichment, simulation
- Performance, P&L, Position Management