Our CSR commitments
Since its creation in 2004, Algofi’s strategy has been built around the three key principles of CSR: People, the Environment and Economic Integrity.
Algofi implements its CSR policy by responding to two main objectives:
- Strengthening the sense of belonging within Algofi by always putting people at the core of our considerations
- Develop our key values so that they support our ambition and make our CSR policy a lever for competitiveness
The Ecovadis Silver medal distinguishes the Top 25% of companies evaluated.
This silver medal rewards our efforts in CSR and is based on the reference standards on these 4 main themes:
- Social and Human Rights (labour law, human rights, equality woman/man, etc.)
- Environment (GHGs, recycling, etc.)
- Ethics (whistleblower, corruption prevention, transparency, etc.)
- Responsible purchasing (supplier monitoring, vigilance, etc.)
We are continuing our efforts with the aim of making further progress. Our ambition is to actively participate in the transformation of our sector of activity.
Algofi has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2019 and supports its 10 principles.
At the end of 2022, Algofi published an annual communication on progress (COP) in order to continue integrating the United Nations Global Compact.
In this Communication, we describe our actions aimed at Continuously improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our corporate strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. We are also committed to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our core communication channels.

Diversity at Algofi is...
Nationalities represented
of collaborators
with disabilities
Female population in Algofi
Our equality index

In structuring its environmental approach, Algofi tries to apply the precautionary approach to environmental issues and seeks to promote the use of new technologies that are more respectful of the environment. Thus, a number of collective actions are being taken to reduce our environmental footprint
- Fight against overpackaging
- Use of plastic water bottles
- Waste sorting
- Removal of single-use plastics
- Energy consumption
- Reducing the number of emails sent
- Reducing paper consumption
- Purchases of “low-power” computers
Towards a better carbon footprint
In 2022, the carbon footprint review has identified good practices that need to be maintained and proposed new areas for improvement in the future.
In order to obtain a clear overview of the GHG emissions generated by Algofi’s activities, a Carbon Audit will be carried out in 2022:
- Implementation of our responsible purchasing procedure,
- Reflection to propose a sustainable mobility policy and
- Continuation of good practices in energy reduction.