Algofi is the founding member of the HUMADE Group
Founded in 2004, ALGOFI is today one of the leaders in IT & Finance expertise.
A unique model: the only IT & FINANCE expertise ESN created
by IT & FINANCE specialists.
This uniqueness enables us to better understand our customers’ needs and to provide a tailor-made service, totally adapted to their expectations and constraints, based on added value, innovation and performance.
For the past 20 years, we have been working with major CAC 40 financial groups, as well as SMEs in the market finance sector, on all the main strategic, functional, technical and business issues encountered by our customers: IT FINANCE, financial engineering, business lines, software solutions, risk management and business consulting.

Our offers are based on the expertise and excellence of our teams.
Our aim is to provide our customers with solutions tailored to their business and environment, both integrated and efficient.
We also offer audit and consulting services in financial engineering, as well as analysis and development services for information systems.
We also provide risk management and compliance services, as well as training and coaching services, to help our clients better understand and master market finance issues.
Algofi, in a few dates
France, Morocco, Italy
We are a totally independent and financially healthy company, and our results have always been positive thanks to well-controlled growth.
100% growth since 2016
of turnover
in market finance
What defines us...
We are specialists in market finance – 90% of our turnover.
IT and Finance experts, we meet the needs of our clients: IT, operational, regulatory, risk management.
Our teams are made up of highly skilled and experienced finance consultants. We are partners of publishers of strategic software solutions for market finance.
Market finance is a particularly challenging sector. That’s why we make sure we surround ourselves with the best possible skills.
Our consultants are graduates of leading engineering and business schools. And we expect them to have strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.
Our highly selective recruitment process is in line with this requirement. This process includes, in particular, CodinGame technical tests for technical profiles, advanced functional tests and editorial tests for MOA profiles. It also includes meetings with our technical and functional referents and with the HR team, which evaluates whether the candidate’s personality matches our values.
We maintain this excellence through continuous training representing 5% of our turnover. This excellence enables us to bring added value to our customers: to offer skills, know-how, methodologies that they do not have internally.
Our clients entrust us with the responsibility of their project, we strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and promote a culture of reliability and mutual respect.
Transparency on the career path of the team set up, our consultants, their availability, transparency relating to the good governance of the company and its financial health, transparency on our commercial proposals.
After 20 years of existence, our ambition remains extremely strong: to be the leader in IT & finance internationally. At least 70% of ALGOFI’s profits are reinvested each year to support this growth.
Our ambition is to become a leading group in our field, by providing high-quality expertise and an offer tailored to our customers’ needs, and by taking advantage of innovations in the constantly evolving fields of cloud, data, artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering, platforms and consulting. We are convinced that our experience, know-how and innovative spirit will be assets that will enable us to meet the needs our current and future customers.
Toussaint DEGBO, CEO & Founder